


det365手机版官网 will remove barriers for students to access academic, 继续教育, 以及经济劳动力发展计划.det365手机版官网 will remove barriers for students to access academic, 继续教育, 以及经济劳动力发展计划.

  • Enhance det365手机版官网’s OneStop Student Service Center to be the gateway and service hub to the college providing high-level services for program selection, 登记, 学费, 奖学金, 以及学生支持服务.
  • Expand course offering schedule and mode of delivery to meet the daytime, 晚上, 以及学生周末的需求(面对面), 混合动力, 块, 在线).
  • 扩大所有学生的奖学金机会.
  • 提供重点招聘, 保留, and completion strategies for adults throughout the 社区.
  • Increase visibility to increase enrollment at Southport, 利兰, and 不伦瑞克的教育 and 行业认证中心 through website, 社交媒体, 等.
  • 加强与不伦瑞克县学校的伙伴关系, 私人, and home schools to increase enrollment in all Career and 大学的承诺 programs.


det365手机版官网 will provide services and resources that empower students to succeed.

  • 通过文字加强学生之间的交流, 电子邮件, 并通过电话挽留学生完成学历.
  • Provide connection with employers and career advising for students through a Career Center.
  • Lever年龄 grants and 基金会 funding to increase student success.
  • Grow athletic programs to provide educational opportunities.
  • Increase opportunities for student eng年龄ment through SGA, student clubs, and student activities.
  • Increase campus awareness and student utilization of academic 以及学生支持服务 (图书馆, 学习中心, 通报, 咨询, 食品分发处, 等.).


det365手机版官网将维持, 增强, 开发, 传递相关信息, 创新, and high quality educational programs and services that prepare graduates for college transfer and the workforce.

  • 灵活地提供新的和当前的项目, efficient ways that lead to increased student enrollment and completion.
  • 利用当地, 区域, and state analytics to assess current program performance to 增强 program variety and sustainability.
  • Utilize 社区 participation to 开发 and implement programs and services that meet local needs.
  • Improve learning environments through diverse revenue streams including grants, 基金会, 国家预算, 县财政预算.
  • Increase and nurture partnerships and articulation agreements with senior institutions.

员工招聘 & 保留

det365手机版官网 will 增强 ways to recruit, 开发, and retain high performing employees.

  • Design and implement a salary improvement plan for all det365手机版官网 employees.
  • Implement employee on-boarding experience that acclimates new employees to det365手机版官网 culture, 预期, 政策, 和程序.
  • Embrace interdepartmental cross-training of employees to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Optimize technology and training to 增强 employee knowledge and innovation.
  • 更新和改进员工评估流程.

经济 & 员工发展

det365手机版官网 will 开发 and maintain programs and services to advance the workforce of our communities.

  • Assist the region/county in attracting new businesses to the area.
  • 增加业务, 社区, and industry partnerships and eng年龄ment opportunities with College and students.
  • 加强无缝, cohesive classes that bridge curriculum and 继续教育 learning opportunities.
  • Enhance partnership with Brunswick County Schools to increase opportunities and enrollment with short-term workforce 开发ment within Career & 大学的承诺.


det365手机版官网 will continually improve quality in all college administrative services, 学生服务, 和支援服务,以确保学院的愿景, det365手机版, 目标将会实现.

  • Improve student access to course materials and resources.
  • Continue to implement the Facilities Master Plan as budget allows.
  • 制定一个全校范围的技术计划.
  • Renovate or re-purpose facilities to accommodate college growth, 项目添加, 改善和更新学习环境.
  • Maintain facilities and grounds that create a welcoming environment.
  • Continue to embrace diversity and equity through all areas of the College.
  • Use local and NCCCS data to build and support strategic enrollment, 市场营销和学生成功计划.

